PHOTOVOLTAIC: With a photovoltaic system you can reduce the energy consumption, self-producing the necessary energy, improving the family budget, and contributing to the quality of the environment. On average, in one year, the clean energy production of a 3 kWp system, and the resulting CO² emissions prevented, is comparable to planting 80 trees! Combining it with a storage battery and increasing energy independence, the energy produced by the system is utilized even during the evening maximizing its self-consumption and lowering the electricity bill.
LED LIGHTING: LED lighting solutions allow energy savings of about 50% compared to conventional lamps. RL is of course able to provide the complete technical lighting design along with the supply and installation of the fixtures. Moreover, the most innovative home automation solutions allow achieving an even higher level of efficiency and safety in the management of every facility.
INCENTIVES: You will be able to benefit from different incentives both for the implementation of photovoltaic systems and for car charging stations in private homes, which can be up to 50% of the cost of the installation. We can handle the entire application and authorization process, which leads to very significant savings / leading to very significant savings.